
outfit: let's dance at rocket!

Me and my friends during a night spent at Rocket, a club in Milan.

colin henderson

In 2007 this artist started a collection of knitwear with graphic decorative borders, a cross between the patterns of Turkish carpet and pixels bitmap fashion. His clients include Urban Outfitters, Nike and above all Dazed and Confused: after commissioning him with customising a denim jacket, after photographing his creations inside its pages. the best english fashion magazine asked him to collaborate as an illustrator.


suno new york, winter 2010

fashion is freedom

"Fashion could be fun, fashion is creativity not a status symbol, fashion is freedom". Antonio Marras

vintage mix

photographer FABIO TOMMASI
mua / hair stylist JESSICA LACCHIA

This is one of my recent shooting, organized and planned by me. I like vintage dresses and rustic places, so it was simple to create outfit with my own dresses and to find this particular location, Osteria Tubetto (Alzaia Naviglio Pavese, Milan). Thanks a lot for the owner's kindness, thanks Anna!